
Groups own website: TandemClubThamesway

Organisers Contact: Pauline Casey, Tel: 01235 850588, Email:

This is a Tandem Club regional group.

Pauline Casey2021-08-25 19:13:39Thameswey
September Ride

19th September 2021 ride : Starting from The Waterfront Cafe, Benson at 10:30 after elevenses. 35 mile ride with lunch at the Red Lion Charlgrove. Attendance confirmation to by 6th September

Pauline Casey2022-11-27 18:10:13Thameswey

Relaxed rides, generally on 3rd Sunday of the month. Distances range between 20 to 35 miles depending on time of year

Pauline Casey2022-11-27 18:10:14Thameswey

Relaxed rides, generally on 3rd Sunday of the month. Distances range between 20 to 35 miles depending on time of year

Pauline Casey2022-11-27 18:10:16Thameswey

Robert Bending2023-09-05 13:59:53Thameswey

Meet at the Greenham Control Tower: Opens at 10am. Please note. There is a HEIGHT RESTRICTION at the entrance to the car park – I will ask if it can be open for the day, but this may not be possible. There is space before it to stop and unload if necessary. Will leave at about 10:45, so enough time for a quick look around if you want to. Outside, on the runway side of the tower is a memorial and I believe the upper floor will be open, with views over the Common and beyond. Lunch at The Vine, Hannington. aiming to arrive 1.00-1.30pm. Please could I have menu choices and confirmation of those wishing to join us on the ride or at the pub by Wednesday 13th. Route attached GPX file. If we are running late we can cut between Ibworth to Hannington. For those who are not ‘assisted’, there are a few challenges along the way… A short, sharp climb before Ibworth (after crossing the A339, care needed!), after lunch Plantation Hill will get the lungs working but views from the top are a fair reward, and finally, after crossing the Headley Ford, another short, sharp climb back up onto the Common.

Robert Bending2023-09-05 14:00:36Thameswey

PS Height Restriction is open during the day, so rooftop tandems will be ok.

16/03/2025 Thameswey

Meet at Sainsbury’s Starbucks in Tadley. Ride out via local lanes to the The Wellington Arms, Stratfield Turgis for lunch. Menu orders will be required a week before the ride and will be circulated early march.

Email to the group will follow in March

Contact: Bob & Kaorn(Login to see contact details)

13/04/2025 Thameswey
Lunch will be at the Victoria Inn Eastleach, Cirencester GL7 3NQ
Id: 1380
Location: Thatcham
Postcode: Thatcham
Map Reference: 51.3825, -1.2844
Ride length: 39 km
Ride ease: Average
Just over 20 miles to the Swan at Newtown ( booking for popular times advised - and about 4.5 to return to Greenham Common Control Tower. Parking at the Control Tower (height restriction on entrance). Cafe in the Control Tower and a small museum on upper floors (https:/ ...
Id: 1158
Location: Eynsham
Postcode: OX29 4HA
Map Reference: 51.7803, -1.37357
Ride length: 38 km
Ride ease: Hard
Starting in Eynsham, west of Oxford and Blenheim Palace. There is a free public car park a short way from the town centre where there are cafes for a pre-ride carb boost. Surfaces are all tarmac though some of the smaller lanes have rough surfaces. This ride ramps up with some relatively stiff climb ...
Id: 1099
Map Reference: 51.9351, -1.30977
Ride length: 49 km
Total ride 30 miles with 1750 feet of climbing, lunch at 18 miles. Start at The Grain Store, The Hatchery, Middle Aston OX25 5QL : Meet for coffee at 10:00 and leave by 10:30. The cafe are kindly allowing us to leave our cars in their relatively small car park, s ...

The ability to download all the rides, by a member, in a zip file will be available once the rides have been published here.