Website User help

The Tandem Club website provides information and systems for Tandem Club members. Quite a few website areas and features are for TandemClub members only, however we also allow non members to access some of the websites features including the forums and forSale system. The system uses your email address for the accounts Username.

Tandem Club Members

When you apply for TC membership or renew, you will be offered a website login account for the full member. This website login account will be linked by the email address to your membership. The system will validate your email address by sending you an email asking for you to confirm the account. Once done your account will be enabled and you will be able to enjoy full access to the Tandem Club Website and all of its features.

If any joint members wish to have a website account they can create an account as a non member using the Create New Account function. Note we validate each account request by hand so it may take a few days for your account to be enabled. Once setup please contact to have this account linked to the full members membership to get full members access to the website.

Non Members

You can apply for a website account using the Create New Account function. Note we validate each account request by hand so it may take a few days for your account to be enabled. Once enabled you will be able to access the forums and forSale system of the TC website.

Email Addresses

If you change your email address please use the User Preferences function of the website to update your email address and hence account's Username.

Website Account Features

You can update your password, user information and email preferences using the User Preferences function of the website once logged on. This also allows you to add a picture which will be shown against content you create. The User Preferences page also  also allows you to delete your account.

Please contact us if you are having any problems: