Events Module
The Websys Events module is designed to help manage organised events, such as rallies. It provides information web pages and optional online booking systems with payments for them.Event Files
When you create a new event you give it a name with no spaces. For Tandem club events this is normally of the form "tci2018". The "i" indicate international, "e" is for Easter and "n" is for national. As well as being used as the internal event name it is used as the email address and group for people attending the rally.
A directory is created: "files/events/tci2018" where all of the events files are stored. The following base files and directories are created:
index.html | Overall event information HTML file that can be edited online to describe the event and pictures added etc. |
report.html | After the event this report is available to users. |
info | This is a directory holding information for people attending the event. This is only viewable by those going to the event. It contains event specific information like timetables of social events, places of interest etc. |
When a new event is created the sub directory "info" is now created with an initial "info.html" file. The info.html file can be edited as desired and additional files can be placed in this members directory. The system will show the contents of the info.html file followed by a directory listing. Only members who are going to the event can access the files under the "info" directory. The initial info.html file contains Websys scripts to show all of the rides for events group as well as food places and places of interest centred on map co-ordinates that will need to be edited.
The Rides
The events system is now linked with the TC Rides system. This system allows GPX route files and ride directions sheets to be uploaded and attached to the rally. As well as allowing people to download these, general information on the ride can be given and places of interest marked. The rides are then viewable on the TC system with a map showing the route with a height profile etc. The list of rides can be automatically shown on the members information page as a list using an embedded script. This is setup by default in the default info.html file.
Add the rides using the "Add rides" left hand menu item on the events page or directly in the TC rides system. Some notes on adding rides:
- The rides "group" should be the same as the rally. This links the ride to the rally and only allows rally goers to access the ride.
- The rides "PrivateToGroup" checkbox should be ticked so only members of the rides group can access them. After the rally this checkbox should be un-ticked.
- The rides "Published" field can be unticked while information is being edited. Only the ride administrators or owners can then see this ride. Once all is ready the "Published" field can be ticked so it is viewable.
Note the rides icon/image in the list of rides comes from the first picture0 if available. If not it will come from the Map picture that can be created using the "Upload Map Picture" bottom green button while viewing the ride. If neither of these are present then a standard icon is used.
See the TC Rides system help for more information.
Detailed Event Information Access for Attendees
Each event has a directory info with the file info.html which can be edited. This contains detailed attendee information including the rides and local places of interest.
For access the event attendee needs to be logged in and have the events group name in their "Groups of Interest". This is set when they book and can be set for all rally attendees using the left hand menu's "Set users groups" function. When people book they can enter up to two email addresses of users who can access this information. Only those with website login accounts can access this data and non members can get a website login account.
The info.html file can be edited to contain detailed event information for the attendees. The default <websys> functions provide a list of the rides with links to download them and show them on a map together as well as a list of the local places of interest.
Others website users can also be allowed access, they just need the events name added to their login accounts groups of interest by an admin person who has the role/rights to access user database.