Tandem Club
This is all of the Tandem Club.

I have added the West Country Saturday ride to the Rides part of the site. Within this I have added a description and 4 pictures as well as adding markers along the way. What I am trying to do is grade these 1-5. The idea is to be able to find great routes without being swamped by routes which are difficult to follow/understand. As this one doesn't have a PDF routesheet, I've designated it a grade 4 as it was a lovely route (Thanks Peter and Jenny) and has nearly everything else. This is what i'll be doing in the future.
My Wife, Lyn and I have recently taken up tandem cycling in Wiltshire and are keen to know if anyone else around our area is interested in North Wiltshire routes. We would love to get more involved in the Tandem club and meet like minded members.
Anthony, Lyn welcome to the club. If you are in the Swindon SN postcode area you are in the West of England Group. This is an active group covering BR, BS and SN postcode areas incl Wiltshire. Hope to see you on a ride soon.
In case you get a letter - Club is having a final push to get everyone onto the correct subscription rates. £15 pa for 1 year; £60 for 5 years for a Full Member + 1 Joint Member.
Please check you are paying the correct amount as wrong payments cause extra work.
Peter Weeks, Chair

The Tandem Club began in Charlbury (Oxon) on 9 Oct 1971. Jonathan and Tessa Cox invite all TC Members on a 50km (for 50 years) ride on 9 Oct 2021. Start and end in Charlbury; moderate amount of climbing with a few sharp hills.
Options for food in Witney and Eynsham.
Further details, including parking, to be confirmed dependent upon numbers. Please RSVP / PM Jonathan Cox to join the ride.
Link to route:
Thanks to all who have paid the right amount for your annual or your 5-year subscription for Club membership.
Rates for a Full Member plus 1 Joint Member (+ children under 18 at home) are £15 pa or £60 for 5 years.
Please pay the correct amount as the Club will only accept correct payments from 1 Sept 2021. Thanks.
Articles and content are needed for the next edition of the Tandem Club Journal. It could be an account of a day ride, or a long tour, preferably with good quality photos. Any technical notes, queries, solutions or customisation would also be of interest I'm sure. Send content to
The date for the National in 2023 has been set at Sunday 6th August 2023 to Sunday 13thAugust 2023. Based in Stratford-upon-Avon, it wil follow the usual format of rides, velocio and evening events. More details to follow
Club short sleeve and long sleeve tops are available at competitive prices from
There is a new experimental feature on the TC Rides system. There is a Navigate function that will show where you are on a map and show all of the huge number of Places of interest around you that Neil and others has added to the system. Useful for finding the closest coffee stop! The link to this is here navigate, you can add this to your Phones home screen to get at it quickly. To see the growing number of rides click on Rides, there are over 560 now and over 7000 places of interest!
The Landscape Tandem found in the Windsor area has not been claimed and was therefore donated to Charlotte's Tandems.
Hi, we have a 1200k Audax in September starting from Deventer in NL. Would any members, especially NL members know the best way to use the trains or any other method to get us and the Tandem from Rotterdam port to Deventer. We are currently at the ITR if possible to discuss this.
Would it be fitting for the club to send a well rounded message from the memnbers to Sir Chris Hoy Just a thought
John Lowe

The TCN2025 rally webpage is now available and the booking system is open.
Book now to secure your place at the rally.
The TCI2025 rally webpage is now available.
Find it in the Events menu or go direct to the rally webpage.
The ability to download all the rides, by a member, in a zip file will be available once the rides have been published here.
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