Organisers Contact: Peter Hobson, Tel: 01724733220, Email: pete1863@live.noThis is a Tandem Club regional group.
Be off on a ride on Sunday 11 Oct 2020.Departing from the pub in Winteringhm (DN15 9NE) at 1030. heading up towards South ferriby, Turning right down through Horkstow, Saxby and Bronby to Elsham and in to Brigg for a coffee. before coming back via Broughton and Appleby, 26 miles. anyone wishingto join us is more than welcome. Pete and Lyn

On the 11th October 2020, Peter & Lyn Hobson met Derek & Wendy Perry had agreed to meet in the small village of South Ferriby. 3 miles from the Humber Bridge. This was the first meeting of the Humberside Tandem Club. Both teams greeted each other with enthusiasm. Following greetings and introductions, some friendly banter between the two veterans the cycling got under way. Down the leafy lanes of Horkstow to the historic Roman village of Horkstow. One of the 5 low villages on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds. South Ferriby, Horkstow. Saxby All saints, Bonby and Worlaby. The church in Hokstowe is a 12 Century church built by the Knights Templar. In 1797 a 4th century Roman mosaic, part of the Horkstow Roman villa, was first discovered three sections of a tessellated Roman mosaic pavement depicting Greek mythological figures were discovered by workmen in the grounds of Horkstow Hall. The pavement was taken to the British Museum in 1927 on permanent loan, but was transferred to the Hull and East Riding Museum in 1974. Historic folk associations with the Grange Inspired the Steeleye Span band name, and their album Horkstow Grange. Through Horkstow and on to Saxby All Saints. In 1897 a drinking fountain was erected at the centre of the village in to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, Next comes the village of Bonby. In Mid 18century Bonby had a priory of Benedictine Monks. Next village along the route was Worlaby, In1066 Earl Harold the Viking was lord of he manor. Following this tour through History some refreshment was sought in Elsham Hall. Alas from here the teams separated, Derek and Wendy turning right and heading up Elsham hill home to Goxhill. Peter & Lyn went left and into the historic market town of Brigg. The area of present-day Brigg has been used for thousands of years as both a crossing point of the Ancholme and for access to the river itself. Prehistoric boats of sewn–built and dugout[5] construction have been found in the town, both dating to around 900 BC. A causeway or jetty also stood on the riverside during the late Bronze Age, although its exact use is uncertain. From Brigg it was a 20km ride along the Roman road of Ermine street. Through a sleepy Hamlet of Appleby and home to Winteringham.
Humberside Tandem group will be heading out from Baysgarth Leisure Centre at Barton Upon Humer on Sunday 18 Oct 20 at 1030. heading out over the Humber bridge, up to Skidby Mill for a brew andaround through Little Weighton to Rowley and on to North Ferriby back over the Bridge to the start. 44.7 KM roughly 3 hours.

18 Oct 20, HTC met at the Baysgarth Leisure Centre. Derek & Wendy Perry and Pete & Lyn Hobson. A planned route to the northern lands, tother side of the big bridge. A non storming or pillaging ride. A ride of hospitality, to sample the water of Yorkshire and feast upon the cakes they had to offer. Befriend the locals and foster good relations in the northern territories. After a ride through the town of Barton upon Humber, we crossed the Humber Bridge. In to the east riding of Yorkshire. Skirting the edge of Kingston upon Hull and heading for the mill at Skidby. The roads where quiet, but lots of cars and walkers had parked up and where taking in the local beauty walking spots. The first part up to the mill at Skidby was slightly uphill. A stop at the mill café was a welcome break after a short uphill section. However, what has been a real nice café in the past was not today. Having waited for 20 mins for a waitress to take our order 45 mins later we where still awaiting for our snack and drink. They never came we left. And went to another local café a few kms up the road. Who where more than happy to serve us . leaving the cafe took us up the hill to the high point of the route, if it was a nice clear day, we may well have been able to see Lincoln Cathedral. A nice longish down hill section followed where we could feel the wind in our hair. Before coming back to the bridge through North Ferriby and along the south bank of the Humber Estuary. A real nice ride with some real nice views.
TC Humberside Region Club Christmas Quiz Numbers and words, the numbers remain but the words have been removed with the first letter of the word remains. For instance.
6 T in the S N. = 6 teams in the 6 Nations.
There will be a small prize for the winner. E-Mail or post answers back closing date 31 Dec 20.
Greetings, since I got a tandem last year, a few friends have contacted me and asked if they can come out with me . Restrictions pending I have had a couple of local Vets near to me come and have a go on the tandem. It is not ideal as it was bought for me and my wife who is 4 feet 11. however the 2 that have tried it where more than happy and have asked me to try and get a group or club together. With all that In Mind I am looking to start up a tandem cycling group or club for blind, partial sighted and people with balance issues. I have my bike but I require at least 2 or 3 more bikes to get the group going and change the life for the better for these people who have shown an interest. Any veterans who are interested in joining me on my quest are more than welcome to join, please do send me a message. I am a member of the Tandem club. And I am also the regional Officer in the Humberside region for the Tandem club. Any advice and help will be greatly appreciated. Especially on getting a cub up and running, donations, bicycles, kit and a secure place to run the club from. Maybe Phoenix House catterick. My short term goal is to get the club up and running. With regular rides. Also to attend Tandem club rallies. Medium term goal is to do a few regular tours in the UK and may be just over the water in the Netherlands . Long term goal, to do longer tours, may be The north Sea coastal route, Nordd Kapp to Gibraltar, Or may be go the whole way down to Capetown. But the main point of the club is to get people out and enjoying the benefits of cycling. Anyone who would like to try a tandem ride please do get in touch and I will try and put you in contact with a local pilot who will help. Many thanks Pete

With the Covid 19 virus ravaging the country, HTC are managing to get out while we can. This week sees us tackling the Humber Bridge and Discovering east Yorkshire. 18 Oct 20, HTC met at the Baysgarth Leisure Centre. Derek & Wendy Perry and Pete & Lyn Hobson. A planned route to the northern lands, tother side of the big bridge. A non storming or pillaging ride. A ride of hospitality, to sample the water of Yorkshire and feast upon the cakes they had to offer. Befriend the locals and foster good relations in the northern territories. After a ride through the town of Barton upon Humber, we crossed the Humber Bridge. In to the east riding of Yorkshire. Skirting the edge of Kingston upon Hull and heading for the mill at Skidby. The roads where quiet, but lots of cars and walkers had parked up and where taking in the local beauty walking spots. The first part up to the mill at Skidby was slightly uphill. A stop at the mill café was a welcome break after a short uphill section. However, what has been a real nice café in the past was not today. Having waited for 20 mins for a waitress to take our order 45 mins later we where still awaiting for our snack and drink. They never came we left. And went to another local café a few kms up the road. Who where more than happy to serve us . leaving the cafe took us up the hill to the high point of the route, if it was a nice clear day, we may well have been able to see Lincoln Cathedral. A nice longish down hill section followed where we could feel the wind in our hair. Before coming back to the bridge through North Ferriby and along the south bank of the Humber Estuary. A real nice ride with some real nice views.
The ability to download all the rides, by a member, in a zip file will be available once the rides have been published here.