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Flying with tandem

Christopher Davison2011-05-17 17:04:30

In 2 weeks time we are booked to fly to Copenhagen with SAS. The airline has agreed to take the tandem - we had to email them the weight and dimensions. We plan to strip the tandem of chainsets and derailer and turn the bars. We need to enclose the bike in heavy duty polythene bags to protect it and other luggage. Does anyone know where we can buy such large heavy duty polythene bags ?.

Alex Hudghton2011-05-18 09:40:45

: In 2 weeks time we are booked to fly to Copenhagen with SAS. The airline has
: agreed to take the tandem - we had to email them the weight and
: dimensions. We plan to strip the tandem of chainsets and derailer and turn
: the bars. We need to enclose the bike in heavy duty polythene bags to
: protect it and other luggage. Does anyone know where we can buy such large
: heavy duty polythene bags ?.

Mattress bags here ;


clive2011-05-18 17:18:22

: In 2 weeks time we are booked to fly to Copenhagen with SAS. The airline has
: agreed to take the tandem - we had to email them the weight and
: dimensions. We plan to strip the tandem of chainsets and derailer and turn
: the bars. We need to enclose the bike in heavy duty polythene bags to
: protect it and other luggage. Does anyone know where we can buy such large
: heavy duty polythene bags ?.

CTC shop is where I got mine - used two for the MTB, possibly only one for the road tandem with wheel off. That said, I can't find them now :-(

mark Silver2011-05-23 17:34:32

A year or three back I worked in a corner of the NHS which provided wheelchairs. These came in from the manufacturers in reasonably stout polythene bags. Once the chair had been set up for the patient, this oversize plastic bag was finished with, and was thrown away.

I've flown our tandem around Europe in these bags.

It might be worth charming your local NHS wheelchair supplier, to see if things are still like this.