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Fraud warning when selling

Chris LEWIS2022-08-19 13:43:30
I successfully sold my Canondale recently but not before I had got caught up in a potential fraud. Someone in France sent me a cheque to pay for the tandem but my bank refused it saying it was part of a fraud. The only place I had advertised it was on this site - so beware the cheque fraud! In fact, insist on a bank transfer. 
Kate Whitaker2022-08-20 09:53:12

I had this too, have my Hase Pino listed. Potential purchaser supposedly in France, too busy to view. Realised after previous warnings on here that it was likely a scam. I asked how he intended paying if he couldn't visit. Said he'd send a cheque.I didn't respond, heard nothing since.

Terry Barnaby2022-08-21 09:16:57
Payments by cheque are definitely dodgy these days with all of the fraudsters around. Please take note of our forSale help when placing adverts at: https://tandem-club.org.uk/files/help/forSale.html and if you see/notice any other fraud method please tell us and we will add them to that page to help others.