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Avon cycleway

Graham Nix2022-07-06 07:57:33
Hi. Thanks for the Avon cycleway routes on ridewithgps however does anyone know how I can put them all together so that 8 can ride the whole route in one go? I want it to start close to Clevedon/Nailsea. I've found a full route but it starts in Pensford and can't work out how to move the start finish. Hope someone can help.  It's really frustrating going around in circles trying to find a solution.  
Dirk Braun2022-07-06 08:26:48
Hi, this is not specific to the route your planning but a hint to a reasonably good freeware tool that I used to do similar joining / splitting / reversing of multiple routes that I used to assemble my own. It's called "GPS Track Editor". It takes a little learning and trying, but I still hope it helps.
Terry Barnaby2022-07-06 11:18:00
Neil has already done this and the complete Avon Cycleway with information, GPX sections and whole and places of interest is in a Tour in the TandemClubs ride section under Tours. See: https://tandem-club.org.uk/rides?cmd=tourView&id=1
Graham Nix2022-07-06 18:50:23
Terry Thanks for the comment i already have the full route but I dont know how to move the start finish to say Chelvey? If i load the route to my Garmin 1000 the route will finish at Pensford when i need the information for the north of the route as this is the part i dont know. Ive loaded the route onto Connect Garmin and i can move the finish to Chelvey but when i move the start the route changes completely.  Any thoughts?
Terry Barnaby2022-07-07 08:35:53

No obvious thoughts. I can modify the TC system to produce a GPX/TXC file from a given start point but that would take a bit of time if you need this soon.

Alternatively you can just edit the GPX file using a text editor. Just move all of the GPX "<trkpt> ... </trkpt>" lines before the lat/long you want to after the end of the last <"trkpt> ... </trkpt>" line in the file.

Graham Nix2022-07-07 08:42:09


thanks. I will have a go!