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Malcolm Morris2020-01-25 08:49:49

Thank you for letting me join your group on t'interweb. I've said hello on Facebook but the journal and club stickers that have been sent through the post make it feel proper. 

I've had a burning desire to tour on a tandem for some years but not actually ridden one until is year, when I was in the process of buying one. 

This forum has been so helpful, especially so on the matter of transportation. I almost bought a Peruzzo Rack before coming across the Helton, which I really like. It's an elegant one-person solution. David, who tells me he's made 900 of them over the years, is a lovely man and very chatty. I learned lots.

Club stickers are proudly displayed on the frame now. 

ps Other half celebrated the tandem purchase with an Eddie the Eagle impersonation off her solo bike and broke her wrist, so I'm servicing and upgrading various bits in the healing time. Hoping to get to Fat Lad at the Back Sportive together in May. Fingers crossed.