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Andrew Skelton2019-11-14 13:57:02

We have flown with our tandem on three occasions with mixed results. On the first occasion we flew with Lufthansa from Heathrow to Frankfurt. Lufthansa wanted the bike whole and unboxed, this was a disaster as the bike suffered at the hands of baggage handlers with the front wheel forced out of the forks, a pedal broken and the frame badly dented. On two subsequent occasions we have flown the bike home, once with Wizz Air from Bucharest and once with Pegasus from Istanbul. Out tandem is also a Thorn with S&S couplings equipped as yours. We split it and scrounged a couple of bike boxes from a local bike shop on both occasions and then found plenty of soft packaging. This worked well with the tandem travelling safely but it does require a day before flying to get packed up. We contacted local bike shops after a bit of internet research on both occasions to make sure boxes would be available.  Finally, we crossed from mainland Greece to Turkey  in 2018 visiting 8 islands, I hope you enjoy your trip as much as we did.