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Bespoke panier(s)

2018-11-09 06:34:45

Hi again,sorry for the frequent posts of a newbie!

Does anyone know where I could get a panier made? The size and shape fairly standard,but I would like it to use it to advertise/indicate the tandem's use with the visually impaired.


Achim Gloger2018-11-09 07:30:47

Mick, I’d pop into a work wear specialist shop that does silk-screening or embroidery or both and ask them what type of pannier material they could work with. However, for a single pair of panniers the set-up cost might be considerable. 


Failing that, ask a sticker manufacturer whether Ortlieb panniers would be suitable for stickers. 


Good luck,


2018-11-09 17:43:27

Than,s Achim!yes looks like I need to think outside the box!

2019-01-21 15:40:12

Mick, take a look at this web site:


We had a couple of frame bags made up and would be perfect for a good flat advertising surface.

They are made up to your exact size requirements.


2019-01-22 06:32:04

Thanks Robert.That would certainly make a very visible staement!