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Help with Tandem History

James wilson2018-04-04 13:22:25

Good morning all,

I am a new member from Kentucky, USA.  Wondering if this particular tandem has any history with your club or if anyone remembers who may have had it.  It was a trash find in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - a friend of mine retrieved it for me, and i went to pick it up a few years ago.  It's getting refurbished and soon ready to ride!!

It took awhile to find the "Tandem Club" with the clover symbol...  That is how I traced it to you.

Take Care, Safe Riding!!


James wilson2018-04-04 13:30:11
James wilson2018-04-04 13:30:31
2018-04-04 16:53:38

Unsurprisingly, Lejeune is (or was) a French manufacturer.  I never saw many of their bikes in the UK.