Tour: France (E)(EP)

Map Reference48.7216, -3.96739
Ride Start on Google mapsGoogle map
Ride length1881 km
Split routesGap 690274 > 100m
Split info48.855337,2.345867
Climbing20057 m
MaxGradient62.8065% (suspect calcs!)
Ride effort39253.5 tcEnergy
Added byNeil Wheadon
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TCX RouteDownload whole tour as TCX file

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The Rides

1: La Vélodyssée - The French Atlantic Cycling Route (E) La V?lodyss?e : A 1200 km long cycle route along the Atlantic coast La V?lodyss?e, French part of the Atlantic Coast Route - EuroVelo 1 is a bicycle route that crosses Brittany and along the Atlantic to the Basque Coast, La V?lodyss?e is an invigorating cycling journey through landscapes of unspoilt beauty. Get on your bike and explore this cycle tour of over 1200 km with its beautiful ocean backdrop! Between Roscoff and Hendaye, 70% of the route more ...

2: Honfleur / Deauville (E) La Seine ? V?lo

Places of Interest

Distance (km)CategoryTitleDescription

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