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Eugene Kertzman2024-05-29 20:34:07tci2024
Day 4 Rides

Good Morning Tandem Campers,

Today's (Thursday) rides will take us across the Oosterschelde Dam to Schouwen-Duiveland. The whole area of Zeeland was very badly flooded in 1953 and many people died. As a results the Delta works were started and the Dam is one of the many measures put in place. For those doing the extension from Zierikzee, you will be able to visit the 1953 Watersnood Museum in Ouwerkerk (

You will also have the pleasure of cycling across the Zeeland Brug, 5km long to get you back to Zuid Beveland!

4. Oosterschelde Dam & Schouwen-Duiveland, Ride ID: 866, 885, 864

Evening: informal gathering, you are welcome to bring any
tandem related items to try and sell or recycle
(marquee) from 19:00 onwards or come and talk to Neil about the excellent mapping tools on the Tandem Club website.

Janet Pritchard is feeling a lot better now and is just a bit tired!

The Veere Rally Team