New Membership

Full membership is available on an annual basis or on a commuted one for five years. Joint Membership is available to anyone who rides regularly with a Full Member; at least one applicant must take out Full Membership. The first Joint Member is enrolled free. Family membership, which is also free, is open to all dependants of the Full Member aged 17 or under residing at the same address, check the family checkbox if this is the case. There is a nominal charge for other Joint Members. Joint Members are entitled to all the benefits of the Club, except a copy of the Journal. Journals are automatically sent by Airmail to members in all countries outside of the UK. There is no additional charge for this.

  1. Please complete this form and then use the "Join" or "Renew" button at the end as appropriate. Make sure you choose the payment type (card, bacs or cheque) and currency type you will be using to pay.
  2. Add the Full members name first and then any joint members.
  3. Dates of birth only need to be entered (changed from the default) for people below the age of 18.
  4. Check the family checkbox for each joint member who is in the same family, residing at the same address.
  5. Please provide us with your email address if possible. This allows us to automatically send you renewal notices and thus saves us a lot of time.
  6. If you are renewing manually (ie not from an email link) please enter your membership number, if known, in the "Member Num" field.
  7. Please then pay in one of the following ways (bank account information will be presented after joining):
    For UK members
    • You can pay using a credit or debit card. Click on the "Pay on Credit or Debit Card" button that is displayed after the "Join" or "Renew" button is pressed and you will be taken to a secure payments page. Please follow the instructions to complete payment. A 5 year (1 year + 4 years free) card payment is the easiest and best method for us and saves you money.
    • You can pay in Pounds using BACS (direct bank transfer) to the Tandem Clubs account.
    • You can post a cheque in Pounds for total amount to Sheila Ward, 34 Avenue Rd. Lymington, SO41 9GJ, UK, with your membership number written on the reverse, payable to: "The Tandem Club".
    For International members
    • You can pay using a credit or debit card in pounds stirling. Click on the "Pay on Credit or Debit Card" button that is displayed after the "Join" or "Renew" button is pressed and you will be taken to a secure payments page. Please follow the instructions to complete payment.A 5 year (1 year + 4 years free) card payment is the easiest and best method for us and saves you money.
    • You can pay in Euros by direct bank transfer to the Tandem Club's Euro account.
    • You can pay in Pounds or Euros by posting a cheque to Sheila Ward, 34 Avenue Rd. Lymington, SO41 9GJ, UK.
    • You can post a cheque in your local currency for total amount plus the equivalent of 6 GBP to cover our bank charges to Sheila Ward, 34 Avenue Rd. Lymington, SO41 9GJ, UK.
  8. Data privacy: The information you provide on this form will be added to the Club database and used by the Club for purposes only in connection with the running of the Club, which includes communicating by post, telephone and email. It will never be disclosed for marketing purposes. The data will be available to committee members and other members when it is needed to facilitate the running of the Club and provide membership benefits to you. Please note that photos and videos may be taken during Club rides and events and used on the Club website, in the Tandem Club Journal or in Tandem Club publicity material. You have a right to complain to the ICO if you believe there is a problem with the Club's handling of your data. Further details are given in the Club's Data Privacy Policy, available on the Club website or on request from the Club Secretary, Please indicate on the form below that you have read and accept these terms.
  9. Please use the membership number provided after joining as the BACS payment reference and on the back of cheques. The booking reference, account number details and address to post cheques will be given after you join/renew.
  10. By default you will be given a website login account. This will enable you to access Tandem Club members information and book for events in a simpler fashion. If you don't want this please un-check the "Add website account" option.
  11. The "Information by email" tick box is solely to allow you to receive emails from the club such as runs lists etc. No external organisation will given your email address
  12. Note that the TAB key can be used to move to the next field
  13. If you have any problems with the membership form or system please email:

Names of people

ItemPrefixForenameSurnameDate of Birth (If under 18)Family
First Joint member is free
Joint 1
Further joint members. Family members under 18 and living at home address are free
Joint 2
Joint 3
Joint 4
Joint 5
Joint 6


Postal Address (first line/lines)
City or Town (nearest post town)
Email Address
Home Telephone (with code)
Mobile Telephone (with code)
Journal sent by email
Journal on a audio CD
Journal sent by post
Information by email (club info/renewals only)
Forum and Forsale emails


TC Membership Type
Payment Type
Payment Currency
Payment Amount
What first made you aware of the Club?
RenewalDate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Add website account
I have read the data privacy note above and I consent to it.
Why Resigned (Please tell us)

For information on our Terms and Conditions and Data Privacy polices see: Policies