
Organisers Contact: Kevin Smith, Tel: 07879411059, Email:

This is a Tandem Club regional group.

Kevin Smith2022-05-08 19:11:14Nottinghamshire

What a brilliant day out today, new to the group were Ian and Joe Postlethwaite too

The Sprint finish!!

Richard and Jane

John and Tracey

Kevin Smith2022-05-08 19:13:33Nottinghamshire

New group addition Ian and Joe with Colin and Rosy

Kevin Smith2022-10-21 12:19:44Nottinghamshire

Another great social ride last Sunday (16th), 4 units and a very sunny day

Kevin Smith2022-10-21 12:20:14Nottinghamshire


Kevin Smith2022-10-21 12:20:34Nottinghamshire


Kevin Smith2022-10-21 12:20:48Nottinghamshire


Kevin Smith2022-11-14 09:50:37Nottinghamshire

A rather grey but mild November group ride. A very nice cafe stop at Horncastle, made for a very pleasant social ride.

Kevin Smith2022-11-14 09:52:39Nottinghamshire

EV12 cycle route

Richard Fuller2022-11-15 12:39:35Nottinghamshire

very enjoyable ride with great company thanks for organising Kevin

Kevin Smith2023-03-13 11:45:00Nottinghamshire

Another nice route in mostly sunshine yesterday. 5 units and a most enjoyable lunch stop at the Tack Room, Fulbeck, Lincs.

Kevin Smith2023-05-24 08:37:24Nottinghamshire

May ride photos coutesy of martin and Alison Pursur, Ian and Jo

Kevin Smith2023-05-24 08:37:51Nottinghamshire

John and Tracey

Kevin Smith2023-05-24 08:38:53Nottinghamshire

Rosy and Colin

Kevin Smith2023-05-24 08:39:49Nottinghamshire

Richard and Jane

Kevin Smith2023-05-24 08:40:10Nottinghamshire

Andy and Sally

Kevin Smith2023-05-24 08:40:38Nottinghamshire


Kevin Smith2023-07-21 08:44:36Nottinghamshire

Weekend in Holland - 29th September to 1st October. One night stop over in the Kinderdijk Unesco Windmll area, overnight crossing from Hull and Hook of Holland. Need to finalise by Sunday evening 23rd July. Dont miss this end of seson treat on 100% segregated cycleways!

Kevin Smith2024-03-08 08:05:30Nottinghamshire
March group ride

Due to the weather forecast for Sunday 10th March, some of us will be switching to Saturday 9th March, same meeting place/route etc.

Kevin Smith2024-12-07 17:18:17Nottinghamshire

December ride cancelled due to poor weather

Kevin Smith2025-01-04 12:00:10Nottinghamshire

The club systen does not seem to be mailing out, so just a heads up that we will not be on this months ride. If anyone has a ride suggestion, please let me know.

Id: 1382
Map Reference: 52.9917, -0.859823
Ride length: 46 km
30m loop in to the vale with a choice of stops either Muston or Woolsthorpe. Usual Kingfisher start at 10am.
Id: 1326
Map Reference: 52.9917, -0.860856
Ride length: 54 km
As per last month
Id: 1240
Map Reference: 52.9917, -0.860856
Ride length: 54 km
31 mile loop, stopping at Gannets, Middlebeck for lunch. Usual starting place of Kingfisher, leaving at 10am.

The ability to download all the rides, by a member, in a zip file will be available once the rides have been published here.