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Tandem for Large Captain & Blind Stoker both 6'1"

Martin Lucas2022-07-02 17:34:16
I'm looking for a tandem to help get my blind stoker out riding again. We're both 6' 1" tall so will need a big/big frame. Wondering if anyone in the TC has such a tandem tucked away and not being used. Located in Poole, Dorset but willing to travel for a suitable machine. 
2022-07-02 17:44:59
Hi there if this is of interest we're in Leicestershire,cheers David Ashforth 
2022-07-02 17:44:59
Hi there if this is of interest we're in Leicestershire,cheers David Ashforth 
John Saunders2022-07-02 19:07:21

Hi Martin

If you want to try out a Tandem you could approach Charlotte;s Tandems as there are Helpers around your area who could loan you a Tandem of the right size on a trial basis before buying, just a thought.

John Saunders ( Berkshire Chalotte's Helper )

Jeremy Mark Davies2022-07-02 19:40:19

Hi Martin, I have a large tandem for riders over 6' tall. A Cannondale 25" x 23" in the for sale section. I live in Berkhamsted, Herts and you would be very welcome to use it for as long as you want.


Martin Lucas2022-07-02 20:17:09

Hi David,

Thank you for the offer. This looks too small for us and definitely will be if it's 20/16" listed on the for sale board.


Martin Lucas2022-07-02 20:23:57

Hi John,

Good idea to try Charlottes tandems, thank you.



Martin Lucas2022-07-02 20:26:44

Hi Jeremy,

The Cannondale looks as though it would be ideal. I'll send you an email.


Manoj Patel2022-07-03 00:25:26


I may have just the bike. I'm a helper with Charlottes Tandems and based in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire. it maybe worth loaning this before you make a purchase. It's designed for 2 tall riders. 

Manoj Patel2022-07-03 00:32:15
Sorry for the upside down photo. 
Manoj Patel2022-07-03 00:32:15
Sorry for the upside down photo. 
Alison Moody2022-07-03 08:29:57



I am a volunteer with Charlotte Tandems based in Dorset  and have a large  cannondale that I think may work. 

I will post a photo later 

John Farby2022-07-05 20:57:48

Hi Martin,

Have a 23/23inch Orbit Ladyback circa 1988 looking for a new home but we're 300 miles away in North Yorkshire. Not planning a holiday up here any time soon?


Martin Lucas2022-07-05 21:28:44

Hi John,

Thank you for the offer. No holidays in North Yorkshire planned unfortunately so I think we shall have to pass. Some great cycling to be had in the area. 



Martin Lucas2022-07-11 20:42:49
Thanks to Charlottes Tandems and Dorset based volunteer Alison we're now equipped with a 25/23" Cannondale which fits us nicely and should be great to ride. Many thanks too for all the kind offers on this board.