
Things wanted.
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Tandem Lift

Jez Cawthorne2022-05-23 14:09:53

I am looking for a BTS tandem lift or any spare parts!!   Lifted the bike on this afternoon and the plastic holder snapped. Is there anyone out there with parts or another form of lift for sale?




Sally Kertzman2022-05-23 16:07:57

Hi Jez, we have a BTS lift that we are willing to move on. I would need to check it's still working. Not sure either wat it is worth.

Sally and Eugene

Jez Cawthorne2022-05-23 17:54:23

Sally/Eugene that would be fantastic.  Probably best via e mail and hopefully sort out.




Kind regards



Jez Cawthorne2022-05-24 07:21:20

Sally even if it's not working the part I require is the plastic pivot so more than likely fine.


Andy Watts2022-05-24 15:29:02
If it's a plastic part that can't be bought separately, look on line for firms that do 3D printing. They usually scan the bits and reengineer a replacement part. Then they print it for you. It can work out a good way to repair rather than replace. 
Francis orKathryn Williams2022-05-24 15:46:47
how about casting a new one take mould and make new