
Things wanted.
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Triplet/triple tandem wanted

Paul Read2020-03-20 07:02:16

Looking for a triplet/triple to suit 2 small adults and one child (8+ years)

Doesn't need to be fancy just functional but happy to consider anything,  I'm in Lincolnshire but happy to arrange collection via a delivery van if needed.


Many thanks


Andy Ryan2020-05-22 23:40:34

Hi Paul if you are still looking we have a Thorn Me n U 2 for sale.

Best regards Andy

adam robinson2020-05-23 00:18:12

If Paul's not interested I might be - our youngest is fast approaching tandem age. Where abouts are you?

Paul Read2020-05-23 08:04:51

Yes still looking can you pm me price and photos location etc please

Andy Ryan2020-05-23 08:46:06

On phone and hard to see the website.

we are in Romsey near Southampton. Pics and details are on a well known auction website. Happy to have a viewing anytime.


Paul Read2020-05-23 09:18:30

Cheers for that, can see bike, looks nice, nice price.

Shame it won't work for me as looking for two adults and one child triplet tandem instead.

Thanks for highlighting it to me.

PS I have an search alert set up on the well known auction site but it did not alert me about your bike, suggest you add the word tandem to the title.  Good luck and thanks again.