
Things wanted.
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2020-01-09 17:10:39

We are a large primary school near Woolwich and we are planning a charity event to support Cat and Raz with their TandemWOW challenge. I'm sure you have all heard of them but here is their website documenting their incredible ride around the world!

We are looking for a tandem that we can borrow for three days at the end of Jan or beginning of Feb so that our children can experience a real-life tandem whilst raising money for Oxfam and Motor Neurone Disease Association.

Happy to collect.  Please spread the word.

Plumcroft Primary School

Pauline Hayward2020-01-15 11:44:46

Dear Laura,

There appears no local members that own a tandem with a sufficiently low back to be able to be usable by primary children. May I suggest you try parkcycle.co.uk who work closely with schools and own a number of suitable tandems. Alternatively londonbicycle.com also have childback tamdems, regards, Kent regional officer

James wilson2020-01-15 14:30:49


For the early years and utilizing a tandem with my children, I installed "ape hanger" hanger handlebars (what you would see on a 1970's Schwinn) and fashioned stirrups to go across the top tube.  At the least, turn the drop handle bars over.  It will place them closer to the rear seat.

I've pulled a trailer with this set-up, toured Florida, Kentucky, and Denver,Colorado.  Be sure to remove the pedals so the kids feet don't catch on them.

They will have much more fun riding and looking around than attempting to pedal.  The pedals will be too long for them anyway.

Sheila Ward2020-01-15 15:19:00

Getting a bit worried about insurance here, though I am sure you have that in hand. Maybe just a demo by a tandem would suffice for the children to watch and ask questions?