
Things wanted.
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Old tandem headset

Dan Noble2018-04-20 08:03:24

I've picked up an old tandem fram of unknown origin. No serial numbers/make etd.

It seems to have an unusual head tube with integrated crown race. 

The man in my LBS was baffled.

What kind of headset/bearing and forks might be compatible here?

The outer diam is 45mm and inner is 33 of what looks like a crown race

Stuart Hibberd2018-04-20 09:24:00

What you probably need is a Brampton clip type headset.

They are still available from the club shop

2018-09-12 16:56:22

Dan, I hope you are sorted by now but the headset does look to be a Brampton, the most common for tandems around the 30s-50s period. You would need a crown race, top frame race, the clip as shown and at least a locknut. There will be a race squeezed into the lower part of the head tube to meet the crown race bearings, 3/16" dia but this is very likely to still be there and there should be a bearing race squeezed into the clip. The remaining headsets of the period were mainly either Royal Enfield or Chater Lea. I live in Hampshire and would be willing to help if you could get to the Southampton area, Dave.

Incidentally the frame looks to be possibly a CWS Federation or J Grosse.