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Mercian & Flying Gate Tandems

Colin Lomax2014-02-18 11:22:04

Hi all,

I am looking for some guidance on the value of a couple of tandems that my father owns, but have been in dry storage for as long as I can remember, both have very little use and other that some basic maintenance, would be considered road worthy.

I dont have pics or details to hand, but can gather info if is seriously affects value.

The first is a Mercian with full touring gear.

The second is a TJ Cycles Flying Gate that has been spec'd for racing.

If anyone has an idea what these may be worth, then I would appreciate hearing from you.

Robert Wade2014-02-18 11:50:27

I'd suggest maybe getting in touch with V-CC http://www.v-cc.org.uk as they probably have a bit more expertise on older bikes and have 'marque" specialist

Mick Mullane2014-09-18 18:36:42

Hello Colin,

I have a Flying Gate solo and am looking for a tandem frame - do you still have the Flying Gate tandem?



: Hi all,

: I am looking for some guidance on the value of a couple of tandems that my
: father owns, but have been in dry storage for as long as I can remember,
: both have very little use and other that some basic maintenance, would be
: considered road worthy.

: I dont have pics or details to hand, but can gather info if is seriously
: affects value.

: The first is a Mercian with full touring gear.

: The second is a TJ Cycles Flying Gate that has been spec'd for racing.

: If anyone has an idea what these may be worth, then I would appreciate
: hearing from you.