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transport tandem to mediteranian

Bob Watkinson2010-06-21 19:29:31

I wonder if any of you could offer any advice on the following. I want to get my wife, the tandem, camping gear and myself to the Montpelier area. We would then ride the bike home to Scotland. Have any of you any experience of the logistics of getting everything down to the Med? Unfortunately Bike Express timings don't fit our holidays so that option is out.
I thought about flying but the bike and camping gear weigh 40KG so I guess I'd be hit hard by excess baggage.

Thanks ,


CPeachey2010-06-22 09:06:03

: I wonder if any of you could offer any advice on the following. I want to get
: my wife, the tandem, camping gear and myself to the Montpelier area. We
: would then ride the bike home to Scotland. Have any of you any experience
: of the logistics of getting everything down to the Med? Unfortunately Bike
: Express timings don't fit our holidays so that option is out.
: I thought about flying but the bike and camping gear weigh 40KG so I guess
: I'd be hit hard by excess baggage.

: Thanks ,

: Bob
EasyJet charge separately for the tandem and have a 20kg hold luggage limit (40kg for 2 people) so flying may be an option.Ryanair limit is 15kg plus bike.
A different idea may be to contact a local haulier with runs to the area and send the gear separately for collection at a depot. (Couriers also do this).


C H James2010-06-22 16:03:55

: EasyJet charge separately for the tandem and have a 20kg hold luggage limit
: (40kg for 2 people) so flying may be an option.Ryanair limit is 15kg plus
: bike.
: A different idea may be to contact a local haulier with runs to the area and
: send the gear separately for collection at a depot. (Couriers also do
: this).

: Chris

Could be some news coming in already in for some towns. helmets and high visibility jackets to be worn. Now before the French senate to make it law for the whole of France. Chris James South of France

clive2010-06-23 15:38:04

: Could be some news coming in already in for some towns. helmets and high
: visibility jackets to be worn. Now before the French senate to make it law
: for the whole of France.

Got any links?

I know about the high viz rule - that's night and rural isn't it?

I've never heard of any helmet laws apart from the one which somebody's just proposed.

C H James2010-06-23 16:21:17

: I wonder if any of you could offer any advice on the following. I want to get
: my wife, the tandem, camping gear and myself to the Montpelier area. We
: would then ride the bike home to Scotland. Have any of you any experience
: of the logistics of getting everything down to the Med? Unfortunately Bike
: Express timings don't fit our holidays so that option is out.
: I thought about flying but the bike and camping gear weigh 40KG so I guess
: I'd be hit hard by excess baggage.

: Thanks ,

: Bob
the links is

Bob Wakinson2010-07-05 09:35:18

: I wonder if any of you could offer any advice on the following. I want to get
: my wife, the tandem, camping gear and myself to the Montpelier area. We
: would then ride the bike home to Scotland. Have any of you any experience
: of the logistics of getting everything down to the Med? Unfortunately Bike
: Express timings don't fit our holidays so that option is out.
: I thought about flying but the bike and camping gear weigh 40KG so I guess
: I'd be hit hard by excess baggage.

: Thanks ,

: Bob

Thanks for the responses guys.