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Flying with a 2 piece tandem using S&S couplings

Kenneth Fant2009-09-09 21:21:49


Already have this on my touring bike and i think that they are great when going on flights.

You can have this couplings on a Thorn tandem. The first alternative is to have three in the front, so you will have a two piece tandem.
Are there any out there who have been flying with a two piece tandem? If so, what do you use for the bigger rear part, protection and to walk with it for some small stretches? Intend to use my backpack S&S back for the front and will fill it upp with stuff.
If money where no object I would go for the three piece tandem but its out of the budget.
And I live in Sweden and I hate to drive and Missus cant drive so that is no alternative when going all the way down to the continent.

Thank You

LesFrewin2009-10-03 15:17:05

LesFrewin2009-10-03 15:23:19

We had similar problems when buying our present tandem in 2001 as we wanted to be able to fit the tandem inside a Mercedes A class.Solution- 50/50 split with S and S Thorn will do this for you by taking a standard tandem and splitting as required basically the only additional cost being a frame respray

