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Flying with S&S couplings

Penny Church2009-02-20 11:07:56

We have flown a few times with our old 'normal' tandem but our newer one with S&S couplings has not been in a plane yet. Anyone have any tips for packing ? Obviously we want to keep bags/boxes/packing to a minimum if they have to be stashed somewhere before flying back. I always find waiting at the luggage collection a rather stressful time before the holiday really begins !

RRichard Wrigley2009-02-20 21:02:17

We are contemplating flying with our normal tandem - how did you pack yours and what where your experiences. Would you recommend it?


Penny Church2009-02-23 13:51:27

: We are contemplating flying with our normal tandem - how did you pack yours
: and what where your experiences. Would you recommend it?

I would recommend it but it can be nerve wracking.
1. Check that your airline will take a tandem (weight/dimensions) and make sure they are aware when you make your booking. Stick to direct flights only.

2. Buy plumbers pipe insulation to fit over the frame. This is available in different sizes. Cut to custom length and fit as much as you can be bothered to the frame. You can cycle with it fitted to the airport.

3. At the airport remove pedals and put them in your luggage. Don't bother removing deraillieur but tape padding over it if you like. Loosen stoker bars and fix in line with the frame as much as possible. Loosen front bars and show baggage handler they can be put inline with the frame after he has wheeled it away. Let down tyres. Resist putting it in a bag or box as it makes it VERY difficult to move. We have been made to put it in 2 bike bags by check-in staff and the handler immediatley ripped them off to wheel it away. Label all your luggage inside and outside.

4. At destination try and find a friendly face to stash your packing until your return. Alternatively for the return buy a cheap camping mat and tape on your last day and cut up and cover frame as before.

We have had some damage to a handlebar gear end shifter but apart from that its been fine. At Cork airport we even witnessed our bike being loaded from the plane !

I guess now that we have the couplings it will fit in a box and will look less 'bike like' and may suffer more damage.

Robert Clegg2009-03-22 14:37:37

: We have flown a few times with our old 'normal' tandem but our newer one with
: S&S couplings has not been in a plane yet. Anyone have any tips for
: packing ? Obviously we want to keep bags/boxes/packing to a minimum if
: they have to be stashed somewhere before flying back. I always find
: waiting at the luggage collection a rather stressful time before the
: holiday really begins !

Weve flown twice with Ryanair booked on as a single bike but split into two bags with the S&Ss(last time was £50 return to Fuertaventura)with no probs except jamming up their oversize conveyor cos they insisted it had to go on it (they eventually carried them through) All I do is get a couple of plastic bike bags from the CTC shop and use strips of pipe insulation or bubble wrap then tape it up - dont let the tyres down fully but take pedals off turn both bars let seat posts down with saddles on - cable tie short bits of old chain round the chain wheels (your local dealer will give you some) then protect my disc brake rotor and derailliur with a large plastic box lid taped to the frame you have to secure the crank arms to the frame with ties also I put all my tools pedals etc in a strong nylon bag and strap it to the rear pannier rack the track pump also gets strapped onto the frame and thats more or less it - the bags etc are then light enough to go in a pannier on a tour at the other end if need be - take a spare roll of adhesive tape with you in your hand luggage in case they open up your bike bags to hand scan the tubes - enjoy