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S and S couplings

Ian Sproxton2008-01-04 19:47:24


we're thinking of splashing out on a custom machine and I'm considering having S and S couplings fitted. Before we commit ourselves I'd be interested to get comments from people who have had them fitted on their tandems.

At present I don't anticipate lots of flying with the tandem but would be looking to make travelling by car or rail easier.

Jack Fell2008-01-04 20:42:35

: Hi,

: we're thinking of splashing out on a custom machine and I'm considering
: having S and S couplings fitted. Before we commit ourselves I'd be
: interested to get comments from people who have had them fitted on their
: tandems.

: At present I don't anticipate lots of flying with the tandem but would be
: looking to make travelling by car or rail easier.

We have a tandem with S&S couplers. The bike fits into two suitcases 26" X26" 10". Thisis the max size airlines will allow 62 total inches. We took the bike to Cuba in Nov. Dec. 2006. Took it on the train to Missouri in Oct. Nov. 2007. The trains in North America are not tandem friendly. We are going with it to Hawaii in two weeks and will be biking in the Benelux countries in May June. Maybe even the tandem rally in Loche. It takes me a leisurely 2 hours to assemble and dismantle the bike. It does make travling easier. The bike bags are a little awkward to handle because of the size. But nothing compared to a bike box.
Hope this helps

David Bingham2008-01-04 22:18:40

: Hi,

: we're thinking of splashing out on a custom machine and I'm considering
: having S and S couplings fitted. Before we commit ourselves I'd be
: interested to get comments from people who have had them fitted on their
: tandems.

: At present I don't anticipate lots of flying with the tandem but would be
: looking to make travelling by car or rail easier.

If you check back through thre previous threads you should find that this subject has been discussed before in some detail.

I have dismantled a friend's tandem to get it in the back of my car several times (Thorn Raven Disco Twin in Focus Estate). This machine just had one set of couplings in the pilot top, middle and down tubes ("front-off" Thorn style). With front-off only this is a five minute job, quite straightforward (just the couplings and cable connectors). The trick is to keep the couplings clean and well-lubricated. We found that having the back end lying flat in the car it was easy to align the front end with it when putting it back together. My friend is visually impaired and I did the connections whilst he supported the front end.

Of course if you fit 2 sets of couplings you will have the timing chain to contend with and more cable connectors but this should not add too much time.

Hope this helps


Graham R Brown2008-01-06 12:06:05


This topic opens up a variety of considerations, not easily summarised, so do browse this website to pick up earlier discussion!

Personally I think they are an expensive luxury and depending on your intended use there are cheaper ways of getting around the perceived transport problem.


Stephen2008-01-07 15:46:24

: we're thinking of splashing out on a custom machine and I'm considering
: having S and S couplings fitted. Before we commit ourselves I'd be
: interested to get comments from people who have had them fitted on their
: tandems.

: At present I don't anticipate lots of flying with the tandem but would be
: looking to make travelling by car or rail easier.

In the context of a fully custom machine, the marginal cost probably isn't that much. And it does make travelling by train in the UK possible. You are carrying "large luggage", not a bike, so can get on trains when solo cyclists can't.