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Warmer winter tour: where is good?

Cliff Elwell2006-11-29 12:54:51

We have decided to treat ourselves to a holiday on the tandem in February or March - somewhere warmer than the UK! Looking at feedback on the site, flying with Ryanair seems like the best option. Does anybody have any suggestions to where would be nice for a gentle touring holiday?

Some details:
Duration 5 days. Mileage: 50-80 miles per day, depending on terrain. On road or paved track (road tandem). We are happy to either ride from a nice base or to do a light tour - low weight bags and B&B/hotel.

Southern Italy looks nice, as does Spain, but I have little experience of riding in these areas. Any advice appreciated!


Neil Wheadon2006-11-30 14:14:27

There is a new cycleway along the coast in the Algarve in Portugal.
Looks really nice.

Lots of fish to eat when we Tandemmed there 10 years ago.


Rudy & Kay Van2006-11-30 18:01:30

Try southern Arizona. USA. Great desert riding and lots of hills/mountains.

There is a new cycleway along the coast in the Algarve in Portugal.