
Discussion of anything related to Tandems. Opinions expressed on this discussion board are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Tandem Club. Postings or extracts may be published in the Tandem Club Journal.
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FREE OFFER from old ex-member

Peter Hopkins2024-03-29 10:53:28
FREE to keen tandemist - 6 complete bound volumes of the Tandem Club Journal for the Club's first 20 years, from Issue No. 1 (Jan 1972) to Issue 106 (Oct/Nov 1989) plus some loose later issues.  They must be collected from Stone, Staffs.
Martin Lowe2024-03-30 19:10:47


I am Secretary of the Veteran-Cycle Club


and we would very much like these for our library which is accessible to all our 2500 members. We would plan to scan them so that they are available digitally. They represent an important part of cycling history and we wish to make them available for future research.

My email is martinlowe101@gmail.com

I look forward to hearing from you.

Martin Lowe

Secretary V-CC

2025 Our 70th anniversary