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Shorter cranks

Jeff farmer2022-07-24 18:38:17

Hi, looking at buying a used tandem for my wife and myself, how common or easy is it to get hold of shorter cranks/chain set for the stoker?
she's only 5' and has dodgy knees so I think 160 or 155 would help



Michael Hughes2022-07-24 22:48:03
The Ecosmo folding tandem is a little bit undergeared but it might suit. If a new one is within your budget they wii send you one with quite a generous trial period. If you don't like it you pay return postal charges or you might be able to deliver if you are in the Midlands. I'm 5'10 and my wife was just about 5' when we took it to the Lipno Rally in the Czech Republic and enjoyed riding it when we were there.. Michael Hughes  We also got on well (and off) with the Dawes Double Edge which was our regular mount for about 15 years.
Michael Hughes2022-07-24 22:48:03
The Ecosmo folding tandem is a little bit undergeared but it might suit. If a new one is within your budget they wii send you one with quite a generous trial period. If you don't like it you pay return postal charges or you might be able to deliver if you are in the Midlands. I'm 5'10 and my wife was just about 5' when we took it to the Lipno Rally in the Czech Republic and enjoyed riding it when we were there.. Michael Hughes  We also got on well (and off) with the Dawes Double Edge which was our regular mount for about 15 years.
2022-07-25 08:17:53
Shorter cranks - it was a while ago now but I had my wife's 175mm cranks shorted either by or through J D tandems - give them a ring as even if it wasn't them who did it, they may know where it can be done. 
John Butler2022-07-25 09:22:59

I bought an Orbit tandem from JD Tandems and they drilled extra holes in the stoker's cranks to enable the pedals to be in a different position for a shorter reach.

I assume they could drill holes in most cranks.

Jeff farmer2022-07-25 19:31:19

Thanks Michael but the Ecosmo wont be suitable for what we want

Cheers Alan and John, ive seen cranks on thorn tandems with the extra hole but wasnt sure wether or not that could be a mod made to other cranks, once ive finally got a tandem if need be i will be in touch with JB tandems

thank you

Adam Bell2022-08-15 10:34:54
Highpath Engineering, based in Aylesbury, can shorten cranks.  Crank Shortening - Highpath Engineering Ltd
Jeff farmer2022-08-18 21:27:22
Adam, thats fantastic mate, just what i was hoping for, thank you
Jeff farmer2022-08-19 11:45:27

So my next enquiry having been pointed in the right direction for crank shortening is, does anyone have an old stokers triple/single square taper crank sets that they would want to hire out, loan or sell as there is four to six week waiting when I send my cranks for shortening?

Thanks to all who have helped so far