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Which Front derailleur

David isherwood2022-06-30 17:31:51

I wonder if someone could advise...

I am riding an orbit tandem that has tiagra 3 x 9 sti shifters, a sora FD 3503 B bottom pull derailleur and a Alivio M3100 SGS rear derailleur with a truativ 52-42-30 chainset.......I’m having some chain suck issues on operating the front derailleur so have refreshed chainrings,chain and rear derailleur...I would like to replace the FD-3503 Sora front derailleur as the rivets on this item appear loose/worn
What front derailleur would the experienced recommend .?
Would you recommend continuing with the bottom pull or as the cable comes from above would a top pull make the changing more efficient.?
Although it has the right capacity the sora is specified as good for a chainstay angle of 63 to 66 degrees whereas my frame is nearer 69 degrees so one with a 69 degrees spec. would sit better in relationship to the chainset.
I am struggling to find a triple derailleur that on paper fits the required criteria.

Any observations would be appreciated
