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Flying with Tandem from Paris to London

2022-06-29 07:23:01

Dear All,

I am planning to cycle our tandem with friends to Paris in July and have booked a flight back with BA (operated by Vueling) from Orly to Gatwick.

I'm new to the club so I'm sure that this will have been asked many times before - so sorry for the repeat.

I last flew with my tandem 20 years ago and it was OK to bubble wrap it, pedals off, handlebar twist and put it in a long plastic bag and gaffer tape it up. 

Do you think that this method will still be possible or are things more strict these days?   I'm nervous about arriving at the airport and being told I can't take the tandem back with me so any advice you can give would be very gratefully received.   For example, do we need to source cardboard boxes to wrap them in which could be a bit tricky at an airport!


Many thanks,