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Rides Section on the website

Neil Wheadon2022-04-12 13:10:27

For those going on the Easter Rally can I encourage you to look at the route you are going to do on the Rides section of the website for which the only prerequisite is that you need to log in to your account. Rides is in the dropdown menu on both info and events. The route is laid out and each icon is interactive so you can see what you will be passing and if you fancy stopping there. In the screen shot below I have illustrated one of the rides and by clicking on an icon you can see what's there. Further details and a picture is revealed if you click on the name from this link. There is also a website address for that place as well

I have gone through each of the Easter routes and all have been done to this standard.

If you are suitably inspired and you fancy adding places to your area, then please do consider it. I've added over 5000 places now as well as over 500 routes (all are a good quality)