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Holland by bike

Jez Cawthorne2022-04-11 08:40:53

Me and my good wife are planning on going to Holland for a couple of weeks in June.Taking the caravan and tandem and enjoying the delights that are on offer.  I plan to move possibly three times. Does anyone have any experience or know of any sites that maybe helpful.




Jon Watt2022-04-11 09:46:40

Hi Jez, 

I can't help with the caravan sites but would highly recommend visiting Utrecht, simply stunning place to cycle around. We found tandems are rare in Holland and ours attracted a lot of positive attention. We also found the Dutch to be incredibly friendly and helpful virtually all of the time. Also, watch out for the wind, it is brutal at times.

Writeup here.


Stephen Gray2022-04-11 12:21:54
Hi Jez


The site at Delft would make a good first stop for you. We have used it several times. Not far from the port. Nice site. You can walk or cycle into Delft. There are lots of nice cycleways you can use around Delft easily accessible from the site. They all connect up and you can do pretty much any length ride you want to plenty of interesting places nearby. Delft itself is an interesting place to visit (including the Delft Pottery factory which you can do a tour of).

In the Netherlands, you navigate cycle routes via direction to each node (point of connection of two or more routes). So to get anywhere you need a cycle route map and the just make a list of the node numbers to define your route. Each node has signs to the next node in each direction.


Jez Cawthorne2022-04-11 19:24:10
Thanks for the info it is much appreciated