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Fitting Arai drum to Campag Tandem hub

Ted Savoie2021-11-10 12:26:53

Memory test time folks, I have tried a couple of UK manufacturers, including Mercian as they still carry some parts for the 80s Campag 8 speed tandem hub, but without anyone knowing the answer.

I have an 8 speed Campy tandem hub, the one supplied with a protective cover on the brake mount thread.  The axle is for 140mm OLN, I have never seen one of these with a different length axle but now suppose they must have been supplied in longer axle versions so you can fit a drum brake.  I cannot fit the Arai drum I have too it, the protruding non drive side axle is just too short.  

Does anyone recall ever actually fitting an arai on one of these hubs with 140mm OLN axle?  If so HOW!


Mike Dunning2021-11-10 21:54:07

Hi Ted - I also have a Campy 8-speed tandem hub built into a 26" wheel. It's brand new and never been used. I've haven't tried to fit an Arai drum brake to it, but have a Swallow drum brake that is of a similar design to the Arai, but appears a little less bulky. I'll see if it fits the Campy hub and let you know the outcome. Happy to sell it to you if it solves your problem. I should add, I think my Canpy is also a 140mm.


Mike Dunning

Mike Dunning2021-11-10 21:54:07

Hi Ted - I also have a Campy 8-speed tandem hub built into a 26" wheel. It's brand new and never been used. I've haven't tried to fit an Arai drum brake to it, but have a Swallow drum brake that is of a similar design to the Arai, but appears a little less bulky. I'll see if it fits the Campy hub and let you know the outcome. Happy to sell it to you if it solves your problem. I should add, I think my Canpy is also a 140mm.


Mike Dunning

Michaela Buchholz2021-11-13 19:04:29

Hi Mike,

we have used the Arai on 140 mm hubs, but not on a Campy hub. Normally there is a washer on the left side at the axle that must be replace to use the Arai. I cant see it on your picture, and at no picture from Campy Tandem hubs. So it can be that you need a smaller nut to place the Arai.

