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Tandem Trike Trainer

2021-11-01 11:45:47

Hello Everyone,

Does anyone know if there is an indoor trainer for a trike? In June 2021 I purchased a Longstaff Trike from a tandem club member, and for the colder months, my wife being fairly disabled being able to go for a 'ride' in the garage would really help.

Does not even need to provide resistance, just need more of a stand to lift the rear wheels up a little, so to keep her legs moving a bit.

So any ideas, or product suggestions would be most appreciated.

Thank you Ian & Jane

David Pearce2021-11-01 11:57:10

You could use two sets of bike rollers - no resistance but just run a high gear and disconnect the front wheel roller. We use these for warming up pre race (we don't race the tandem btw)


Dave & Jayne