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Tandems on LNER Azuma train experience

Richard Grundy2021-04-15 13:02:05

Hi all,

A friend and I successfully took a pair of tandems (CB Majestic Two and Viking Companion) on the LNER Azuma from Wakefield to London last weekend. I thought some people might appreciate the photos and a brief description of our experience.

We removed both wheels and zip-tied these to the frames to make moving around and loading easier. Some padding on the handlebars and over the dirty chain too.

An LNER staff member at Wakefield approached us as we were getting some food and asked where we were planning to go. She relaxed after we had shown her a printout of the LNER bike policy from the website and explained that we had all the required bike reservations. Helpfully she also let us know exactly where we should stand to board at the correct place.

Both the bikes fit within the bike storage without any issue and the doors would have been able to close easily as you can see in the below photos.

Richard Grundy2021-04-15 13:08:16
Richard Grundy2021-04-15 13:08:35
Richard Grundy2021-04-15 13:08:48
Martyn Aldis2021-04-15 16:41:34

Hi Richard,

A very useful report and the neatest Azuma loading reported so far. Getting the mudguard overhangs out of the length makes a lot of difference. I'm fitting a two-part rear mudguard to a bike I'm building up at the moment in the hope it will allow loading within the floor dimensions of these trains, although obviously not fully vertical as you have done.

Can I quote your report and copy pictures in my efforts as Trains Liaison Officer? It would be good to have a number of examples of successful loadings to show the other companies, as I encourage them to be as helpful as LNER. These Hitachi-built Class 800, 801 etc. are going to be around for decades on most long distance routes.


Richard Grundy2021-04-17 13:56:55

Hi Martyn,

Yes more than happy for you to use the report and photos however you see fit. The tandems on trains page has been immensely helpful so happy to pay it back however I can.

All the best, Rich

Martyn Aldis2021-04-19 15:21:32

Hi Rich,

I'm very pleased the tandems on trains page has been useful and that you are happy for me to quote your report and pictures.

My article for the Tandem Club Journal about these trains is waiting for publication and it would be good to amend it to include a couple of your pictures. Versions picked from this forum don't have enough resolution for print publication. Can you send me full resolution copies by email? Best address for this:

