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Transporting Multiple Tandems

2021-01-29 20:18:42

I am looking to buy a trailer capable of multiple tandems, 4/6 is probably enough.

I’m interested to know if anyone has any recommendations or advice.

2021-01-29 20:30:51

Try Tickners Trailers www.ticknerstrailers.co.uk.

We have a box trailer and they will do bespoke to your spec. They also deliver. Hope this helps. Cheers Peter Koch-Osborne. 

John Little2021-01-30 09:08:39

You can put 1500mm bars on an Anssems trailer - you could probably fix 6 bikes on at a push.

Jamie Gray2021-02-01 18:32:51


I have a trailer that was made to carry my tandem and a triplet as well. I have carried solo bikes along with those two above. It would probably carry 4 at a push. Its no longer required so can go at a very reasonable price if you're interested. I'm in York . Drop me a text if you're interested. Jamie


Alex Reeves2021-02-14 08:53:54
Just in case you only need to transport three, I’ve put three tandems on the back of my car.