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Peter Hobson2020-10-15 09:32:51

Insurance is a very dodgy subject. As i found out the hard way. With a bicycle worth £700 locked with a D shackle lock to my wooden  porch stansion. Being wood it was not a secure object. So read the small print carefully.

If you have a bike insured on your home insurance, then the insurer will only pay out the full price if the bike is taken from the house.  Providing it is locked with a gold standard or grade 10 plus security lock attached to the bike and in a locked shed secured with a gold star high security lock. If you are outside the house then you will only get 10 to 30% of the bikes value, depending on who your insurance is with. With specialist insurances, if you lock your bike to a lamp post this is not classed as a secure point. Likewise railings or gates. You also need a gold standard security lock. Or the insurance will not pay out.  When taking out insurance read the small print. They will all take your money, but will find any excuse not to pay out.

My new platinum security is in place.