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Peter Hobson2020-09-09 13:12:58

Greetings Derek & Wendy,  pleased to have this opportunity to meet you. I am Pete my wife is Lyn, we live just down the road in Winteringham. We are in a similar situation as yourself. We both have decent road bikes and hybrids. But due to different levels of fitness we decided to get a tandem. As this was the solution to riding together and the way firward to new adventures. Which keeps us together and nit arriving at tge cafe 25 mins ahead. First tried a tandem  in Germany a few yeats ago but was a bit of s disaster. As non if us knew what to do. So just over 2 month ago we looked at the idea again.  Went to have a look at one tandem that sold eventurly sold for 1900.  Had a lesson then on riding a tandem properly and we agreed it was the way forward. We eventualy bought an Orbit Routier Tandem on ebay for 350.  A bit batted and bruised. So my bike mechanic qualufications where put to full use. But after 3 days of strippung it down cleaning, greasing , oiling, touch painting and rebuilding, the black rabbit as it is called, is now in a real good condition. We have been out a few times including getting a soaking on Sunday. We are niw building up and looking st doing various tiurs in the UK, Europe and in a few years the world.  <>Would be more than happy to meet up and go for a short spin, crunch a few miles in the local area if you like.  I have loads of routes around the local area, as i am a guided ride leader for BC. Obviously with a coffee stop along the way.  May be start the Humberside Tandem Club.