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Martyn Aldis2020-08-17 12:28:43

First to pick up on Jim's question posted on the 8th. Our Thorn splits 50/50 and it fits really easily using two cycle spaces in the IET, the GWR version of the Hitachi 400 based train. The space is the same on LNER Azuma. It is more normal for tandems with a single set of couples to divide ahead of the captain's pedals, so more like 60/40 but the longest section should still be fine.  You can see both sections of our Thorn are well clear on the deck in the photo linked below.

Yes you must book for two bikes and do get well prepared on the platform in good time and have some fast action straps to hand to prevent sway. The tubular divider is a real pain but some padding should help with that. Do cover S &S  couplers with protectors of some sort. They are seriously sharp and could do a nasty injury to someone dashing out of the carriage at the last moment or on similar accidental contact with flesh or fabric. We always take off luggage on the platform and getting that hoisted aboard becomes the stoker's responsibility leaving me to carry the bike halves.