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Salviac rally

Sheila Ward2020-02-28 16:21:16

Just a quick enquiry to find out who is occupying the third room at Maison de Fortitude B&B during the rally, with a view to co-ordinating which evenings to arrange to eat in to make life easier for our hosts. Am already in touch with TC Journal editor who is staying there.

Carl Mattson2020-03-01 01:01:38

The Colorado Team just cancelled, so the room is available

Sheila Ward2020-03-01 12:43:46

Thanks for letting us know, Carl - I hope that doesn't mean you and Julie.

Carl Mattson2020-03-01 13:14:51

Carl and Julie plus 4 other teams are coming from Colorado

Stewart Clark2020-03-02 03:59:18

Nancy and Stew Clark Are coming from St. Louis MO.  We will be renting a home nearby..  We will also have additonal 3 couples with us.  We have attended this rally three times before and are also members of the local Salviac Cycle Club.....The area is perfect for cycling and the love of great wine and food.