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e Tandems

Eric Leckenby2019-11-01 11:33:09

Hi guys total newbie on here ,thanks for letting me in ,live in Durham north of England and looking to get an e tandem for me and the wife to ride cycle pathways and railway tracks ,with a little bit of road work,and been looking at this at JD Tandems https://www.tandems.co.uk/m3b0s110p859/GEPIDA-Thoris-XT10-2019 was wondering what people thoughts were on it ,and weather i would be better with the shimanoxt8000 10 speed or the Alfine Di2 8 speed as in this model https://www.tandems.co.uk/m3b0s110p953/CIRCE-Helios-Steps which could be my second choice ,any thoughts will be most welcome

Alan MacDonald2019-11-01 12:12:05


Ruth, John and Jamie at JD Tandems are really helpful. I'd advise you to visit them and try out their offering. John and Jamie came to national tandem rally at Kirkby Lonsdale with several different etandems. They have a great selection and I'm sure their advice will help you choose to suit your needs. 

Eric Leckenby2019-11-01 12:43:02

cheers Alan that is my intension early in the new year,was just wondering what peoples thoughts were ,

Marney Frere2019-11-01 19:47:11

Alan, We're new to this as you are.  We visited JD Tandems in early July and had a test ride on two models.  Recommend doing that.  We  bought an Orbit from then in August.   Very happy with our choice.

Marney Frere