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Tom Crispin2019-10-17 12:06:49

We have a VW California - same as a VW Transporter, but with a lifting roof making a double bed inside a pop-up tent.


We are on the cusp of buying a Thorn triplet for the school run (boys aged 4 and 5). I have been practicing getting the new triplet onto the roof by using our engagement Thorn Raven Twin and lifting that onto the roof mounted Pendle Carrier


  • bungee front wheel to stop it rotating 145 degrees or more
  • place plasterers step up about 2 inches away from the van
  • lift tandem by the seat post tubes just above the boob tube
  • step up onto the step up
  • lift tandem onto pendle carrier
  • secure to upright
  • secure wheels
  • position second upright and secure
The step up also serves as a handy picnic table for little boys.
Tom Crispin2019-12-31 00:51:39

Tandem safely loaded by one person onto a high roof using a plasterers step up.