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Bar end grips 2...oops!

2019-03-28 18:57:18

Oh no! Posted the wrong picture file!

Hope this is correct!

So how do I get these off for fitting a mirror please!

2019-04-12 11:48:07

I think there should be a bolt head under the bar end:

If you have to remove the grip at the same time (not sure) then there should be another on the other end of the grip:

Besides that, I don't know whether they will just slide off or whether the rubber grips sticks to the bar, in which case pushing from the inside can be easier than pulling from the outside. Some people use compressed air.

2019-04-12 18:11:28

Thanks David,I've found the bolt,obvious really,felt a bit stupid! Mirror on and functional! 

Hi viz paniers and a helmet with built in indicators next!

2019-04-12 18:58:58

No probs :)

I'm unconvinced about indicators on bikes personally - I don't think you get enough lateral seperation to be unambiguous at a distance. I'll stick with hand signals! :)

I'd be interested to know how you get on with the mirror.