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Help collecting and shipping overseas - London area, UK

Bryon Gomberg2019-02-28 06:49:34


We have been planning a tandem vaction in October, that begins in UK and ends up somewhere TBD in the EU (we live overseas).

I found a tandem to buy 6 months ahead of time and am looking for assistance getting it to us, or storing till october. This will save me the time and effort to travel for 3 days to pick it up and fly it back with us.


Specifically, I need help with:

1. Collection

2. Cardboard box

3. Packing

4. Domestic shipping

5. a. UK storage near london, or b. Overseas shipping


Any sugggestions, advice, or directions?

Many thanks for your attention.


David Hammond2019-02-28 12:10:53



I may be able to help you with storage near London and possibly collection dependant on location.  Email me at dmhammond44@hotmail.co.uk

