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New forum and for sale system

Terry Barnaby2017-12-30 18:38:43

Hi, as part of the TC website on-going improvements we are working on a new forum system. The old system is very old, unmaintainable and in-secure.

The new system is being designed to offer the same functionality and include all of the past messages stored the old system. At first it may lack some of the features of the old system but we hope it will at least be as good as the old system and better in the future (if we get the time to do this !).

A test version of the forum system is at: https://tandem-club.org.uk/forum
And the For Sale system at: https://tandem-club.org.uk/forSale

These are operational but any entered data will be lost when we move to the new system. The For Sale system's prices also needs to be decided etc.
You will need a login account on the new website to enter messages into these.

Anyway any feedback on the new system (features needed/changes etc.) is welcome at webgroup@tandem-club.org.uk.