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E Conversion Kits for Tandems

Stephen Robinson2017-12-03 04:14:08

Need to electrify my Tandem KHS Sports 26" wheels (Steel Frame with Mountian Bike Forks)
My wife has recently broken her ankle so I need an electric motor for assistant on hills. The pros and cons vary, depending on where I position the mortor. After contacting a local bike mechanic I am considering installing a 250 watt motor on the front wheel. Can anyone provide details of a realable conversion kit.

Matt Hodges2017-12-03 22:38:40

No experience electrifying a tandem but after she had hip surgery we had my wife's recumbent trike fitted with a an electric front wheel and controls etc by the Electric transport shop in York
See https://www.electricbikesales.co.uk/yorkstore email TETSyork@gmail.com
John was very helpful and my wife is very happy with the result. I am less so as now I can't keep up with her up the hills.
There are other connected electric transport shops in several cities. I don't have any experience of them. Try phoning your nearest to see what they can offer. Look at the AtoB website and magazines for a lot of info on electric bikes
: Need to electrify my Tandem KHS Sports 26" wheels (Steel Frame with
: Mountian Bike Forks)
: My wife has recently broken her ankle so I need an electric motor for
: assistant on hills. The pros and cons vary, depending on where I position
: the mortor. After contacting a local bike mechanic I am considering
: installing a 250 watt motor on the front wheel. Can anyone provide details
: of a realable conversion kit.

Trevor Muddimer2017-12-28 12:54:09

: No experience electrifying a tandem but after she had hip surgery we had my
: wife's recumbent trike fitted with a an electric front wheel and controls
: etc by the Electric transport shop in York
: See https://www.electricbikesales.co.uk/yorkstore email TETSyork@gmail.com
: John was very helpful and my wife is very happy with the result. I am less so
: as now I can't keep up with her up the hills.
: There are other connected electric transport shops in several cities. I don't
: have any experience of them. Try phoning your nearest to see what they can
: offer. Look at the AtoB website and magazines for a lot of info on
: electric bikes
: Matt

It may be worth talking to www.e-bikeshop.co.uk
For our 4th tandem, took the Moustrache Samedi route - as we are sepgenarians - super machine.
Trevor & Lorraine. Dorset.