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Clarion Club House History

Tony Prichard2017-07-18 15:01:35

Can anyone help Jill Woodward with her project? She writes:
Dear Tandem Club,

I am involved in some oral history about Clarion club House, Jinny Lane Pendle way.

On one visit we were told about a visit from a Tandem club on a meet. I realise there will be regional clubs but wonder if you know anything about this. It sounded like it was a few years ago. Ideally it would be great to get hold of a photo or two.

Thank you for your help

Jill Woodward
CTC member

Matt Hodges2017-07-18 21:01:45

: Can anyone help Jill Woodward with her project? She writes: Dear Tandem Club,

: I am involved in some oral history about Clarion club House, Jinny Lane
: Pendle way.

: On one visit we were told about a visit from a Tandem club on a meet. I
: realise there will be regional clubs but wonder if you know anything about
: this. It sounded like it was a few years ago. Ideally it would be great to
: get hold of a photo or two.

: Thank you for your help

: Jill Woodward
: CTC member

I have visited the Clarion Hut about 4 times by tandem but they were not visits by the tandem club but by Lancaster CTC and also on the Birthday Rides From Lancaster in 1996.
I do have a digital photo from a visit in 2004.
I may have earlier paper photos that I could scan but I haven't looked for them.
If Jill would like a copy of the digital photo I would need an email to send it to.
I also have a vague memory of an article about two Clarion Club Members doing an end to End. I think it must have been in the TandemClub Journal some time after 1993 when we joined. They had some sort of odd route as they claimed that as true Clarion Members they could not do a RIGHT TURN.

Matt Hodges

Jil Woodward2017-07-18 21:40:17

: I have visited the Clarion Hut about 4 times by tandem but they were not
: visits by the tandem club but by Lancaster CTC and also on the Birthday
: Rides From Lancaster in 1996.
: I do have a digital photo from a visit in 2004.
: I may have earlier paper photos that I could scan but I haven't looked for
: them.
: If Jill would like a copy of the digital photo I would need an email to send
: it to.
: I also have a vague memory of an article about two Clarion Club Members doing
: an end to End. I think it must have been in the TandemClub Journal some
: time after 1993 when we joined. They had some sort of odd route as they
: claimed that as true Clarion Members they could not do a RIGHT TURN.

: Matt Hodges
Thanks very much. jillwoodward82@btinternet.com....ha ha no turning right. Ok. If it is not too much trouble it would be great to have this photo. I am reading copies of ctc 'Northern Wheel' but are there tandom magazines?