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Help identifying vintage tandem please! *PIC*

Joe Wortley2017-07-06 18:37:58


I've inherited a vintage tandem but have no idea what it is. It has huge drum brakes, Resilion calipers and 3 speed Cyclo derailleur gears. It also has serial number 76771 on the fork.

Any help much appreciated!

David Tudor2017-07-17 16:35:46

: Hi,

: I've inherited a vintage tandem but have no idea what it is. It has huge drum
: brakes, Resilion calipers and 3 speed Cyclo derailleur gears. It also has
: serial number 76771 on the fork.

: Any help much appreciated!
Hi Joe,
In order to give anyone the best chance of identifying your tandem you would need to provide more photos and include any parts you may have which came from the tandem. It is very likely to be a pre-war bike which would mean it could be from any one of several hundred builders. The photo on 'Photobucket' looks to be laterally inverted as the brake arm attachment appears to be on the wrong side. Best Regards David

Joe Wortley2017-07-19 06:15:28

: Hi Joe,
: In order to give anyone the best chance of identifying your tandem you would
: need to provide more photos and include any parts you may have which came
: from the tandem. It is very likely to be a pre-war bike which would mean
: it could be from any one of several hundred builders. The photo on
: 'Photobucket' looks to be laterally inverted as the brake arm attachment
: appears to be on the wrong side. Best Regards David

Thanks for having a look, David. I knew there were a number of similar pre-war manufacturers but not hundreds! I will put some more pictures of both bikes up shortly. The pic is correct as that is the derailleur hanger on the O/S chainstay rather than for the brake arm.

