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brake blocks

Mark Silver2017-05-15 12:33:51

After a recent sojourn in Wales, I think it's time I got better brake blocks. I'm using V-brakes on standard Mavic rims, and am keen to find some which can take a bit of heat without seeming to glaze and become very much less effective the next day, which is highly not recommended. I've heard good reports about Kool Stop, but not sure which type. Anyone advise?

Michael Nott2017-05-16 17:02:47

: After a recent sojourn in Wales, I think it's time I got better brake blocks.
: I'm using V-brakes on standard Mavic rims, and am keen to find some which
: can take a bit of heat without seeming to glaze and become very much less
: effective the next day, which is highly not recommended. I've heard good
: reports about Kool Stop, but not sure which type. Anyone advise?

I have used Koolstop Salmon for many years now, on solo's and tandems. The Salmon version is slightly softer and "grippier", giving good braking, but still wear well. Also, they are not harsh on rims. They are available in most brake fittings.

Chris Peachey2017-05-17 18:47:46

I use Koolstop Salmons also and find them better than most.


Tandem Club Journal Articals

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would any of the following be of interest?......

1 Traveling with a Bike Friday folding tandem
2 Punctures...causes and prevention
3 Retro-fit motors
4 Choosing the right frame size
5 Wheels
Any offers please to
Chris Peachey
Tandem Club Technical Officer
(responses from Trade or non-members also welcome)

Paul Buckley2017-05-30 19:14:07

: After a recent sojourn in Wales, I think it's time I got better brake blocks.
: I'm using V-brakes on standard Mavic rims, and am keen to find some which
: can take a bit of heat without seeming to glaze and become very much less
: effective the next day, which is highly not recommended. I've heard good
: reports about Kool Stop, but not sure which type. Anyone advise?

I took the kool-stops off my solo. I reckon they stay kool because there is not enough friction to heat them.

Michael Nott2017-05-30 19:27:50

Kool-Stop Salmon - softer for wet conditions. Very good overall and still good in the dry. Available in all fittings.

Martyn Aldis2017-06-05 16:40:02

: I took the kool-stops off my solo. I reckon they stay kool because there is
: not enough friction to heat them.

I had standardised on KoolStop Salmon but misjudged my stock for solo and ended up buying Swissstop RxPlus (Black)as the best avaialble on the day purchase. They do seem good and like the Salmons they don't eat rims anything like the dire blocks that come with Shimano or Tektro brakes. I've still got KoolStops on other bikes and they are fine but feel the RxPlus has just got the edge.

I've now got a pair of RxPlus for the midi V brake on the front of our Cannondale RT2 tandem, the third brake along with the Avid mechanical disks. It doesn't get a huge amount of use but works really well when I have to stop in a hurry with my hands on the hoods.

Swissstop do a more expensive green type and I'm considering those for our Thorn Adventure as now that is back after a prolonged repair lay-off the existing rim brakes don't seem adequate compared to the Cannondale's disks + V.